So, they say that performing the same activity time and again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. While this may apply to the Chicago Cubs and their fans, I do hope that it does not apply in my case.
I am tasking myself with a return to the Japanese DMV to attempt once again to acquire a Japanese driver license. With my pile of paperwork in hand, I hope to convince them to just give me a license with no test at all. Sounds like pie in the sky? Perhaps. I don't want to set the bar at the same height as last trip. I am raising my expectations.
Actually, since I have recently, and hopefully temporarily, separated from active duty, there appears to be a procedure whereby one can acquire a driver license after proving you are separated. It appears that the logic is that you have been driving on the roads of Japan already with your SOFA license, so why not just give you your Japanese license once you no longer qualify for SOFA status. This sounds too good to be true, however I am a glutton for bureaucratic punishment. Thus armed with a new approach and even more documentation than last time, I will make the trek to the DMV and hope for the best.
Wish me luck.
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