Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Control

So, there have been 57 humans murdered by other humans using firearms in the U.S. during 8 different rampages in the last month. This, of course, is in addition to the countless non-mass murders using firearms during that same period nationwide. In the linked article, it states that "Gun enthusiasts say there is no way to prevent human beings from committing insane acts _ whether they have a gun permit or not. And studies conflict on whether stricter gun laws lessen gun violence." I would probably agree with the first sentence. However the second? Bullocks.

According to this 2002 data, the U.S. had 9,369 such murders over the year while Japan with roughly half the population crammed into a land mass the size of California had just 47. America is 4th from the bottom of this trash heap of statistics behind South Africa, Colombia and Thailand. Yep, it's clear that the legislators and lobbyists are doing a great job protecting America from itself when we're keeping such august company.

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